Monday Tech Talk – Demolition Works
Monday Tech Talk – Evacuation Drill Evacuation drill means the practiced evacuation of a buildings as though there were an actual fire, chemical exposure, bomb threat, or other emergency. The video discusses all the requirements pre drill and all the necessary procedures that should follow.…
Monday Tech Talk – Rope Access
Monday Tech Talk – SACPCMP CDP Points CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is the continuous process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge, and experience that you gain formally and informally as you work beyond your initial training. Watch the full video to find out more about…
Monday Tech Talk – Confined Spaces
Monday Tech Talk – Concrete & Reinforcement Concrete is one of the most versatile materials used in the construction industry today. It is a strong material, however it is needed to add reinforcement to the material to improve the strength of the final product. Reinforced concrete,…
Monday Tech Talk – Tilt Up Panels Tilt Up is constructing walls horizontally, on the ground, and then lifting them into place. This method is used on the new Pick n Pay warehouse construction site. The design of a tilt-up building incorporates the detailing of the…
Monday Tech Talk – Facilities Regulations 2004
The Facilities Regulations outline the legal obligations of the employer to avoid any work-related injuries, protects the employee and ensure that all incidents are investigated to reduce or eliminate any future incidents. These regulations are applicable with the application of…
Monday Tech Talk – Sick Building Syndrome
Beginning in the 1970s, people began to report strange symptoms that only appeared after spending time in particular buildings – most commonly, their office buildings. These symptoms included eye, throat and nose irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, along with general feelings…