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How to play it safe for summer

Five steps to prepare your venue for the holidays

Summer is finally here. But now that people are venturing out of their houses again, your venue will be taking the heat. Are you sure that your health and safety is up to scratch? 

Here is a five-step guide on how to check whether your facility is compliant:

  1. Emergency Evacuation Plan

Your emergency evacuation plan should be reviewed every twelve months or as soon as your floor plan changes. 

Confirm that your plan is up to date and includes the following:

  • Awareness training for every person who works or resides on the premises.
  • Fire escape diagrams indicating evacuation routes, emergency equipment, installation, contact numbers and assembly points.
  1. Emergency Structure

Establish an emergency structure, or committee, at the facility. Your structure should be equipped to organise regular evacuation drills based on an established plan.

  1. Evacuation Drills

Ensure that your Emergency Structure is executing drills twice a year. These should involve the following;

  • the participation of all persons who work or reside at the facility,
  • an updated drill register,
  • roll call including contractors and visitors,
  • documentation available for inspection by any member of the Fire Brigade.
  1. Provision of Escape

The facility should have emergency exit doors that open in the direction of escape and into an open air space. Ensure that your routes and exits are clearly marked with the direction of the escape route in case of emergency.

  1. Installation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment

All fire-fighting equipment should be serviced and maintained regularly. Ensure that your equipment is clearly signposted and that the signage indicates how it is used. 

If all five of these steps are completed and maintenance is up to date, your venue should be compliant with the health and safety regulations. If you are unsure about any of these points, we are here to help.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Alternatively, call or email Christof directly for immediate assistance.


Tel: 012 346 5752

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