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Monday Tech Talk – Facilities Regulations 2004

The Facilities Regulations outline the legal obligations of the employer to avoid any work-related injuries, protects the employee and ensure that all incidents are investigated to reduce or eliminate any future incidents. These regulations are applicable with the application of the National Building Regulations.

The employer needs to ensure that the following areas are safe for employees to use and must follow specific guidelines with regards to these areas; Sanitation, Facilities for Safekeeping, Changing Rooms, Dining Rooms, Prohibition, Drinking Water, Seats and Conditions of rooms and facilities.


It is required that every employer shall provide sanitary facilities in the workplace. These facilities shall be always maintained and kept clean. Once the project or building is completed, it is required that the sanitary facilities be removed from the site.

Any sanitary fixture shall be made of impermeable, non-corrosive material, shall have a smooth and readily cleanable surface, and shall be so constructed and fitted as to discharge through a trap, into a soil pipe or waste pipe.

Every employer and all bathrooms should have the following:

Showers will be provided under the circumstances contemplated in Table 4 of Part P of SANS 10400, & provide hot & cold water for washbasins and showers. The shower area should have walls that are smooth and impermeable, & the floors are slip-free & have a slope for effective drainage. It is also indicated that the shower areas should have windows and that the windows are glazed in obscure glass or a similar material. 

Bathrooms should have the following:

  • Clear signage at the entrance of the room, to indicate the gender of the person using the facility.
  • Proper ventilation is to be provided in accordance with the provision of Part O of the SANS 10400
  • Provide the necessary screen walls, partitions, or doors to provide privacy.
  • The water feeding to a shower or washbasin not obtained from the water supply system of a local authority complies with SABS 241.

Facilities for Safekeeping

The employer is obligated to provide every employee, excluding office workers, with a personal facility for safekeeping in which the employee can store any personal belongings. The provisions of this regulation shall not apply in respect of activities for which specific types or numbers of facilities for safekeeping are prescribed.

Changing Rooms

Chaining rooms will be provided so that employees can change clothing and take showers if they like to.

All changing rooms must have the following:

  • The changing room may not be directly connected to a door or opening that has exposure to any hazardous chemical substances or any hazardous biological agent.
  • Seating to be provided such as chairs or benches for the maximum number of employees that will be using the changing room.
  • Not to store any other material or tools that is not related to a changing room.
  • Screen the entrance of the changing room to provide optimal privacy.
  • Ensure that the room is properly ventilated, this could include a natural or artificial ventilation system.  

Dining Rooms & Eating Areas

A separate dining area should be provided for any employee that is exposed to on a daily basis to the following. 

  • exposed to hazardous chemical substances or biological agents.
  • physical contact with any known poisonous substance.
  • exposed to dirt, dust, soot or similar filth, handle.
  • process untanned hides or skins, or unwashed wool or mohair, shall provide a separate dining-room or eating place on the premises which in respect of the maximum number of employees who will be using it at any one time.

Enough tables and chairs are to be provided for the dining area for the maximum number of employees who will be using the dining room at any one time. 


The employer is required to provide the proper signage with regards to prohibits on the site, such as the prohibition of smoking, eating, or drinking display conspicuous signs or notices at such workplace. 

Drinking Water

Adequate drinking water should be made available for all employees at the workplace. All taps and pipes that are not suited for human consumption should be clearly and conspicuously marked. 

Conditions of rooms & facilities

Every employer shall maintain all rooms and facilities which are prescribed or provided for in terms of the provisions of these regulations, in a clean, hygienic, safe, whole, and leak-free condition and a good state of repair. 


Any person who fails to comply with any provisions of regulation as contemplated in Facilities Regulations 10 shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and, in the case of a continuous offence, to an additional fine of R200 for each day on which the offence continues or additional imprisonment of one day on which the offence continues: Provided that the period of such additional imprisonment shall in no case exceed 90 days. 

Over the years, Cairnmead has dedicated itself to delivering services with integrity, consistency, and a commitment to serving the communities, schools, and businesses that we work for. Everything we do is led by our obligation to create a safer world. Cairnmead is focused on changing the mindset of the people we deal with to ensure that after each project, inspection, audit or meeting, clients understand that health & safety compliance is an absolute necessity.

If you would like more information or hear more about how we can help, contact us and let us put our combined 267 years of experience to work for you.

Christof Lourens

CEO Cairnmead Industrial Consultants (Pty) Ltd

Tel: 012 346 5752 | Email:

Brought to you by: Dion Hariparsad

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