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Monday Tech Talk – Storage, handling & use of LPG

This Monday Tech Talk will take a look at storage, handling and the use of LPG. In South Africa, we use a type of gas called LPG – which stands for Liquid Petroleum Gas. Liquid Petroleum Gases, which includes butane and propane, are gases which get their name from their ability to convert from a gas into a liquid when exposed to low temperatures.
It is a flammable gas commonly used in residential heating, cooking and hot water systems; as a fuel in cars; and in industrial, agricultural, and manufacturing contexts. Storage for the gas cylinders may differ depending on the use or main purpose of the gas. In public spaces such as malls and other commercial spaces, it is required that it should be placed in an outdoor environment locked within a cage. Where public access to the cylinders is possible, the cylinders & manifold, if fitted, shall be in a locked cage or fenced area.
Cage Requirements
- Hinged doors with a hasp to facilitate locking.
- Roof – may be steel sheet or expanded metal. Where the cage is placed under a window, the roof shall be of solid steel.
- If placed against a solid wall, the back of the cage may be left open.
- If placed in a firm-level base of impervious materials the bottom of the cage may be open.
- The steel doors and both sides of the cage are to be of mesh pattern.
Each container shall be located in an upright position with the valve uppermost, and shall be so placed on a solid non-combustible level base that there can be no danger of the container tilting or falling over. Containers shall also be placed in a clean, well drained and leveled area. Compliant signage is required to be placed on the cage, the following signage must be included:
- PV1 – Smoking Prohibited
- PV2 – Fire and Open Flames Prohibited
- PV 27 – Cell Phones Prohibited
- WW2 – Beware of Fire Hazard
This Monday Tech Talk covers most of the legal requirements focused on storage, handling and the use of LPG.
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