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Toolbox Talk – How to Perform Heimlich Manoeuvre
This toolbox talk will discuss how to perform the Heimlich Manoeuvre. Choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional death. However, there is a simple technique you can use to help expel a trapped object from another person’s airway. The technique is called the Heimlich Manoeuvre, or abdominal thrusts. Abdominal thrusts lift your diaphragm and expel air from your lungs. This causes the foreign object to be expelled from your airway. Performing the Heimlich Maneuver differs from adult, a child and infant:
Choking Adults
Hit it out.
- If coughing fails to work, five shar back blows are required.
- Help the patient lean forward, supporting their upper body with one hand.
- With the heel of the other hand give five sharp blows between the shoulder blades.
- After each back blow, check to see if there’s anything in their mouth.
Squeeze it out.
- If the back blows fail to clear the obstruction, give five abdominal thrusts.
- To do this, stand behind the patient an put your arms around the waist.
- Place one hand in a clenched fist between their belly button and the bottom of the chest.
- With the other hand, grasp your fist and pull sharply inwards and upwards up to five times.
- Check the mouth again, each time.
Choking Child
Ask the child – “Are you chocking?”
- If the child can breathe, speak, or couch then they might be able to clear their own throat. If they cannot breathe, couch, or make any noise, then the need assistance right away.
- Couch it out. Encourage the child to couch and remove any obvious obstructions form the mouth.
Slap it out.
- If coughing fails to work, five sharp back blows are required. Help the child lean forward, supporting the upper body with one hand. With the heel of the other hand give five sharp back blows between the shoulder blades.
- After each back blow, check the mouth and pick out any obvious obstruction.
- Do not sweep the mouth as this could push the object further down the throat.
Squeeze it out.
- If back blows fail to clear the obstruction, give five abdominal thrusts. Stand behind the child and put your arms around the child’s waist. Place one hand in a clenched fist between the belly button and the bottom of the chest. With the other hand grasp your fist and pull sharply inwards and upwards up to five times
- Check the mouth again, each time.
Choking Infant
Slap it out.
- If the baby cannot breathe, cry, or cough, they may be choking and five back blows are required.
- Lay the baby face down along the forearm and thigh, making sure the head and neck is supported. Give five sharp back blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand.
Turn the child over on the thigh and check the mouth. Pick out any obvious obstructions that you can see with your fingertips. Do not sweep the mouth as this could push the object further down the throat.
Squeeze it out.
- If back blows fail to clear obstruction, give five chest thrusts with the baby facing upward, making sure you’re supporting the head and neck. Put two fingers in the centre of their chest just below the nipple line and give five sharp chest thrusts.
- Check their mouth again, each time.
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