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Toolbox Talk – TREC CARD

This weeks’ Toolbox Talk will focus on a TREC Card which is an emergency cards that explain the hazards and emergency response procedures for hazardous chemicals. The TREC is intended for use by the driver of the vehicle in the case of an accident or spill until the emergency services reach the scene.

This part of SANS 10232 covers the requirements for a transport emergency card (TREC) to make the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods by road aware of the danger associated with the load, and to indicate its use as a concise and quick reference in an emergency situation.

This part of SANS 10232 also facilitates the preparation of a TREC.

Requirements for the format of a Transport emergency card:


  • The TREC document shall be prepared in a standardized format in conjunction with an SDS that complies with SANS 11014-1 or ANSI Z 400.1, or both, and with national legislation (see annex G).

Size and borders

  • The TREC document shall consist of a single A4 size sheet of white paper with information printed on one side only.
  • The information shall be entered in Arial font, in the following minimum font sizes: headings 14 pt bold, subheadings 10 pt bold and contents 10 pt regular.
  • The sheet shall have a left and a right border, of which the length shall at least frame the text, consisting of 10 mm wide vertical lines in red to visually match Pantone 192 or NCS 0580-Y90R (see bibliography).

The title

“TRANSPORT EMERGENCY CARD — Road transport” shall appear in the top left hand corner, with the words “In accordance with SANS 10232-4” directly underneath. The dangerous goods references consisting of the UN No., the class, the subsidiary risk, the packing group and the ERG number shall appear in the top right-hand corner. The date (month and year) that the TREC was prepared, and the issuer’s own reference or serial number (if any), shall appear in the bottom right-hand corner.

The proper shipping name

  • Only the proper shipping name in accordance with SANS 10228 shall appear under this heading (see note). Wording shall be printed in capital letters.
  • NOTE Any trade name, or technical name for the product may be entered under ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (see 5.11 and annex A) if this information is deemed necessary.


  • One or two phrases shall be inserted under this heading to assist in the identification of the dangerous goods in the case of a spill. Examples of appropriate phrases are clear colourless liquid with ammoniacal odour, or white granular powder.
  • The information under the relevant section of the SDS may be used to select the appropriate phrases.


  • Only the H phrases in table B.1 (see annex B) associated with the class of the goods covered by the TREC shall be used under DANGER (see annex A). The person preparing the TREC shall take care in selecting the most appropriate H phrases applicable to the dangerous goods.
  • There shall be at least one phrase. Several phrases may be necessary to adequately describe the nature of the danger but too many phrases might affect the ease of assimilation of the information.
  • NOTE In most cases a maximum of five phrases might be adequate.
  • The information under the relevant sections of the SDS shall be used as a guideline in selecting the most appropriate phrases.

Protective equipment

Personal protective equipment

  • Only the PP phrases in table C.1 (see annex C) associated with the class
  • of dangerous goods covered by the TREC shall be used under PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (see annex A). The equipment might not necessarily be on board. Where it is deemed necessary to carry the protective equipment in the vehicle, the appropriate phrase shall be followed by the words “on board”.
  • The information under the relevant sections of the SDS shall be used as a guideline in selecting the most appropriate phrases.

Emergency response equipment

  • Only the ER phrases in table C.2 (see annex C) associated with the class of dangerous goods covered by the TREC shall be used under EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT (see annex A). The equipment might not necessarily be on board. Where it is deemed necessary to carry the emergency equipment in the vehicle, the appropriate phrase shall be followed by the words “on board”.
  • The information under the relevant sections of the SDS shall be used as a guideline in selecting the most appropriate phrases.

Driver first actions

  • Only the D phrases in table D.1 (see annex D) shall be used under DRIVER FIRST ACTIONS (see annex A). Phrases D1, D5 and D8 shall always be a requirement, and any others that are applicable.

Driver special/additional actions

  • Only the S phrases in table D.2 (see annex D) shall be used under DRIVER SPECIAL/ ADDITIONAL ACTIONS (see annex A).

Driver actions in case of fire

  • Only the F phrases in table D.3 (see annex D) shall be used under DRIVER ACTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE (see annex A). If a fire extinguisher is used (see F2 in table D.3), only drivers trained in fire-fighting using the appropriate equipment shall be employed.

First aid

  • Only the A phrases in table E.1 (see annex E) shall be used under FIRST AID (see annex A).
  • NOTE The emergency services would normally have much more detailed first-aid information and facilities. The intention here is not to provide a large amount of information but to draw attention to any special procedures or precautions that might be necessary.

Special information for emergency services

  • Only the E phrases in table F.1 (see annex F) shall be used under SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES (see annex A).
  • NOTE The emergency services would normally have much more detailed information and facilities. The intention here is not to provide a large amount of information but to draw attention to any special procedures or precautions that might be necessary.

Additional information

  • Typical information included under ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (see annex A) would be supplier’s/organization’s name, the trade and technical names of the product, any special information not adequately covered by the available phrases under the various headings, and pictograms in accordance with SANS 10232-1 and SANS 1186-1, if deemed necessary.

Emergency telephone numbers

  • The placard (see SANS 10232-1) makes provision for telephone numbers for the operator and emergency information. If a number is used under EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS (see annex A) it shall be that of the supplier or other organization where more detailed technical information on the specific dangerous goods could be obtained.

Prepared by

  • Either the name of the person, or the organization, or both, responsible for the preparation and accuracy of the TREC’s contents shall be entered under PREPARED BY (see annex A) in the appropriate space.


The TREC shall be revised every three years from the preparation date, which is on the bottom right hand corner of the card.

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