Why Safety Resolutions Matter Safety is a cornerstone of any successful organisation. A safe workplace…
Toolbox Talk – Unsafe Conditions
This toolbox talk will take a look at unsafe conditions. Unsafe conditions will always exist in the workplace. It is therefore is possible to eliminate the majority of the hazards found in our workplaces in order to prevent injuries on the job. It is necessary not only to recognize that unsafe conditions exist around you but also to take action to eliminate or mitigate them.
- Studies attribute 20% of all injuries on duty to unsafe working conditions.
- They all relate to physical or mechanical defects, which can be corrected relatively cost effectively and permanently.
Some examples of unsafe conditions are:
- Poor guarding – inadequate or insufficient.
- Defective tools and equipment.
- Poor Layout – work flow, overcrowding and congestion
- Substandard housekeeping. (A place for everything and everything in its place always). Eg Waste bins, Storage, signs & notices
- Loud noise.
- Inadequate illumination or ventilation – can’t see clearly or breathe properly
The Importance of Reporting Unsafe Conditions
Report unsafe or unhealthy conditions as soon as possible, reporting can save lives! If employees are involved in an accident that may affect their health or cause an injury, they should report the incident to the employer and authorized person or the Occupational, Health and Safety Representative as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the shift during which the incident occurred. Unless the circumstances were such that the reporting of the incident was not possible in which case the employee must report the incident as soon as is practically possible.
Download the full toolbox talk on unsafe conditions to ensure you know how to identify potential risks on site.